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Please follow our email setup tutorial here tutorial here
From your phones home screen, swipte down and tap on the gear icon (Top Right) tap on accounts, at the bottom you should have an option to +Add Account from the next menu select Personal (Pop3) Personal (IMAP) you will then be prompted to Enter your Email address and account password which will be provided to you from your hosting company.
Sometimes your Outlook will request that you insert the password of the account this can be due to the following:
- Your Password has been changed
- Your password is to weak and needs to be changed before the account can be used
- Your internet connection is Slow/unstable
- In the unlikely event that there is an issue with the server
Upon Request we can submit your website (Designed and Hosted by Little Goliath) to Google, please note however that we do not guarantee any search results
The speed at which your emails download is dependent on your internet speed and the size of the attachments that are being received
The speed at which your website loads is heavily dependent on your internet service speed, if a website constantly loads too long please contact our support department if you are confident that your internet speed is adequate
The speed at which your website loads is heavily dependent on your internet service speed, if a website constantly loads too long please contact our support department if you are confident that your internet speed is adequate