Designing a logo for your business is paramount as new and existing clients will identify with your business, brand, products and services via your logo.
Logos are used in almost all business stationery, designs, advertisements and marketing media.
We offer a range of Graphic Design services as well as Packages to save you some of the cost of individually paying for each design

Email Signature Design-
Extra Names are charged @ R50
Supplied in a jpg and png Format,
This file gets attached to all your outgoing emails

Facebook/Flyer Design- Supplied in Jpg and PDF, if Facebook it will be supplied in Jpg in the correct size
- +R200 if Flyer Supplied in Vector

Company Profile Design- 5 Page Company Profile + Cover Page
- Supplied in a a small size pdf to email and a larger pdf format to Print

Stationary Package 1- Logo (Not Vector)
- Business Card Design
- Email Signature Design
- Letterhead Design
- Flyer/Facebook Designs

Stationary Package 2- Vector Logo
- Business Card Design
- Email Signature Design
- Letterhead Design
- Flyer/Facebook Designs
- 5 Page Company Profile with a cover page
- Brochures
- Banners
- Custom Designs
- Photo Editing
- Large Format Designs
- Business Folders
- Vector Drawings
- Typing of documents eg. CV’s

Client Reviews
Awesome Service! I have become a lifetime client.
Daniel understands his clients and their needs!
Baie baie dankie vir jul uitstekende diens.
My web blad is vêr bo my verwagting.
Dankie aan Charles vir die sorgvuldige opleiding.
Daniel van Loggerenberg se werk is van TOP gehalte. baie tevrede met sy werk en after sales diens.
Dankie Daniel dat jy tot 1h00 op 'n Saterdag oggend bereid was om my te help!
Thank you Little Goliath (Daniel) for a sterling job and excellent service.
I can recommend everybody! His designs are outstanding, service excellent and PRICE!, well you just don't beat it! Definitely a man of his word!
Goeie more Daniel 😊
Wow! Stunning! Jy het my expectations nie net gemeet nie maar exceed! Ek se dankie aan jou en jou span! Jy kan gerus die compliment met jou span deel!
Hi am the managing director for Lithosales and Services as well as COOLUV South Africa, I am extremely impressed with the service I have received from Daniel, I have been a client for the following 6 years, His ethics, perseverance and understanding is why we believe we will make a success of every business he assists, Thanks you for your GREAT service Daniel!
Oh my word, dit lyk BEAUTIFUL!
Baie dankie.
Daar is geen verandering aan die design nie.
Hi Charles,
Thank you for the help. This Newsletter is AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME. We literally want to eat it. It’s perfect.
Jy sal nie glo hoe baie komplimente ek kry vir die website nie.
Jy het regtig n great job gedoen en ek is baie trots op die site!
Wou maar net vir jou terugvoer gee en weereens baie dankie sê. Ek hoop die site bring vir jou sommer baie nuwe kliënte.